to Mrs. Haase’s classroom!!
I’m excited for
another year of fun-filled learning!! Concepts that will
be covered this year include the following:
Looking forward
to an AWESOME school year!!!
Classroom Syllabus
= Middle School English Literature
= Mrs. Haase
= 583-2237 ext. 237
= www.scotland.k12.sd.us click on “staff directory” to find my
individual website page
= laura.haase@k12.sd.us
Welcome to a new school year! I am excited to have you in class and I am excited about all of the wonderful educational material we will be learning about this year! A little about myself…this will be my 26th year of teaching and my 19th year teaching in the Scotland School District. I received my bachelor's degree from Mount Marty College. My husband is John and we have two daughters: Addison and Macee. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. I look forward to helping you be the best you can be!! J
Classroom Expectations
- Students will always show respect for other people's ideas, feelings, and possessions. They will raise their hand to speak or to ask questions and listen when either the teacher or a classmate is speaking.
- Assignments are to be handed in completed and on time! It is imperative that students stay on top of their homework and turn it in on time. Please ask me if you do not understand this expectation. Thanks!
- When students come to class, they should have all necessary items with them and should be in their seats and ready to go when the bell rings. Be prepared! J
- Students should use their student planner/notebook to fill in assignments/tests, etc. for the day/week. Stay organized! J
- If students know that they are going to be absent, they must let the teacher know and make up the work in advance unless otherwise arranged. If students are ill on the day an assignment or project is due (and they were here for the assignment), then they will be expected to hand it in upon returning. All assignments are located in Google Classroom.
- Gum, candy, pop (including flavored water, Gatorade, Powerade etc.), or any kind of food is NOT allowed unless provided by staff on special occasions. Only water is allowed in the classroom.
- The desks and floor are not for garbage. Have pride in yourself and your school! J
- Students are reminded to be respectful of the teacher's property. Please do not go behind the teacher's desk or go into the closet. Please do not open/close the classroom windows/shades and do not touch/operate the air-conditioner in the classroom, the teacher will take of this. Thanks!
- Keep in mind, the grades received this year will be the grades earned by the student. Students need to stay organized, seek help, study, & hand in work completed and on time.
- NO cell phones will be allowed in the classroom. *If you need to bring it, it MUST stay in your locker at all times.
- NO backpacks will be allowed in the classroom. Backpacks MUST stay in your locker. You are given 4 minutes between classes to take care of your personal needs.
Required student material
- This year ALL assignments, quizzes, and tests will be completed through Google Classroom. Therefore, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you have your Chromebook with you at ALL times. You are welcomed to bring reading material (book, novel) in case you finish your assignment early. Remember 6th-8th grade, you will have TWO books to read EACH 9 week period. Utilize your time!
Course Textbook(s)
- Holt-McDougal Literature Common Core Edition textbook - All information is in Google Classroom.
- Vocabulary Worksheets – are in Google Classroom. We will go through the expectations at the beginning of the week and these are due at the end of the week. Worksheets can be turned in earlier than at the end of the week. It is the student's responsibility to complete these worksheets on their own.
**Structure Sheet (roots, prefixes, suffixes):
Vocabulary Structure Sheet.pdf
· Daily Grammar Practice – students will apply and understand grammar concepts through the DGP workbook. Each day,
students will have a different task to complete with the week’s sentence. At
the beginning of class, I will check student's completion, and then we will go over the sentence and correct any errors. Periodic
quizzes may be given to check for concept understanding. Students need to come to class with the work completed in order to receive the point for the day.
5th grade DGP.pdf
6th grade DGP.pdf
7th grade DGP.pdf
8th grade DGP.pdf
- · Worksheets
(for Literature stories) are worth 20 points each·
- Weekly
Vocabulary worksheets are worth 20 points each
- · Reading
Counts tests are worth 100 points each (2 books/9-week period is required ~ total of 8
books will need to be read for the school year)
- · Random
quizzes are worth 10 points each
- · Essays
are worth 50 points each
- · English Literature Tests
are worth 100 points each (if a D/F is received on a test, the student will
retake an alternative test and the average of both tests will be the new test
grade). It will be up to the student to make arrangements to come in and retake that test.
= A
= B
= C
= D
65 and
below = F
*My website has copies of the DGP workbook, assignments, and vocabulary structure sheet
*All worksheets are located on Google Classroom as well
Patriot’s Pen
nationwide, this VFW sponsored youth essay competition gives students an
opportunity to write essays expressing their views on democracy with the
prospect of winning U.S. savings bonds. The top 46 national winners all receive
at least a $1000 savings bond. The first-place award is currently a $10,000
savings bond plus an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. for the winner
and a parent or guardian. All Scotland middle school students will participate
in this competition and a grade will be given as one of their class
assignments. The deadline for this competition is usually November 1st
each year.
Spelling Bee
students are interested in participating in the local Spelling Bee, try-outs will
be held sometime in January. The regional Spelling Bee is sometime
in February. Specific dates will be shared when I receive the information from
the regional Spelling Bee coordinators.